The ocean endlessly stretches on,
many horrors and wonders lie beneath.
It is an eternal dark nightmare,
a vast blue trap.
The ocean stomps her feet and flails her arms,
throwing tantrums at night,
threatening to swallow sailors and ships.
It is a possible deathbed
where you will be trapped eternally.
The ocean has fierce and uncontrollable power,
slamming waves across the shores.
It can also be a cradle, giving birth to new life.
The ocean is a swimming pool,
a joyous place for children.
It is a haven for hidden animals.
The ocean is a live pot of seafood
where fish swim and splash around.
When the sun shines on the ocean,
it is a shimmering sapphire.
The ocean has many emotions
With endless unexpected secrets and talents.
It is nature itself.
