Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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Hi folks! I am an upcoming 7th grader and I wanted to share with you some helpful tips for the people going into 6th grade or just middle school in general.

1.) Join clubs and activities. It might seem at first like a complete waste of time, but trust me, it is not. Joining different activities gives you time to socialize. It also keeps you busy! And I am not joking when I say… people sort of respect you more when you are in many clubs. I guess that when you participate in all sorts of clubs, it shows that you are skilled at many things. Also, if you have something you are extremely passionate about and good at, try to find a club that is about what you like!

2.) Everyone’s lives are different and no one is absolutely perfect. You might know someone that just seems like they have nothing to worry about in their life. They might act like their life is perfect. However, a perfect life does not exist. You cannot just look at someone, observe their behavior, study their actions and then categorize them as a Person That Has a Perfect Life. Who knows, someone could be going through a harsh event but acts like nothing is wrong.

3.) Popularity is not everything. If you are popular, good for you! It is great that you have lots of friends. But if you are not very popular, it is totally fine. It is actually great to have a close group of friends to hang out with. Be friends with people you really trust. People that give you good vibes, are loyal, and help you when they can. Those are true friends!

4.) Do NOT ever cheat on any tests and exams! This advice applies for any grade. I know you have probably already been told this, but cheating is a terrible thing to do. Especially in the U.S., cheating is known as something that can get you in big trouble if you get caught.

5.) When working in a group, do NOT ever take complete control. Do not be the person in a group that keeps on talking and barely lets anyone else share their ideas. Yes, your mind might be bustling with new thoughts but maybe someone else has a cool idea too. First of all, if you take complete control, your teammates will likely find you very annoying. Second of all, your reputation will probably crash. Try not to be called The One That You Do Not Want To Be In a Team With. But I understand; I have been in a situation where I have so many ideas that I just need to share them all. Sometimes, you just need to let someone else take the spotlight for a moment.

6.) Nobody truly cares about how you look. I am sorry if that advice may seem really harsh, but unless you are wearing a full-out Halloween costume, people are not paying much attention to your looks. So, if you have a zit or your hair was not brushed well, it is fine. Don’t worry about it!

So… yeah! Those are 6 tips to get you started. Hopefully, that helped you and you remember them for the rest of your middle school years. Have a great life!

