Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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She saw the cape of water

It stood before her

Like a mountain that would not falter

But it had to be conquered

So she tried to leap over it

But, of course, it stopped her

Her friends always asked,

Why do you keep trying?

Don’t you know you won’t get past?

But she put her head down,

Readied her fins,

And didn’t listen to their bickering sound

Day after day, she tried

Getting past the crashing wall

But day after day, she was denied

Until one day, the wind was right

And that was the day

That she took flight

As she leapt out of her river

The summit came into view

With excitement, she began to shiver

But the view was quite bleak

It was so boring

She began to miss her creek

