Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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As he looked up at the sky, Benjamin noticed the moon had a tinge of pink to it. It was a cold, misty night, and Benjamin was on his way to his friend Noah’s house to watch TV and play XBOX. He thought he could’ve been baked alive during the daytime.

“That’s strange,” he thought. “I’ve never seen a full moon that color before. I better get to Noah’s before it gets too dark.” Benjamin’s palms were sweating, and he was feeling like something was not quite right. After a few glances behind his back, he sprinted towards Noah’s house.

Benjamin arrived at Noah’s house huffing and puffing; after catching his breath, he knocked on the door. Suddenly, something in the bushes moved. There was no answer, but he could hear CNN blasting through the door. Pounding harder and harder, Benjamin finally heard Noah’s voice for the first time.

“Who’s there?” asked Noah as the bush moved faster and louder.

“It’s me, Benjamin. Can I come in?” The bushes moved more vigorously. “Hurry up! Something is out there!”

“Coming,” answered Noah as he opened the door.

Just then, Benjamin saw a blur of yellow and black dart out of the bushes and run towards him. Scared, Benjamin yelped and jumped into the house with such a fright that it made Noah scream too. Crows perching on the nearby trees flew off into the distance, scared by the two screaming boys.

“What are you doing?! You can’t just come to my house and try to scare me for fun!” yelled Noah.

“Something is coming out of the bushes. It’s going to get me! Help me, Noah!”

“Bro- that’s just my cat, Cheetah. You have a wild imagination.”

“Thank goodness, I almost had a heart attack!” thought Benjamin as he stepped into Noah’s house with Cheetah lying calmly on the TV in search of warmth.

“Can you at least turn down the volume? It’s crazy loud in here, Benjamin said in an annoyed voice.

“Okay, okay — chill! Just sit down and have some popcorn and drinks,” said Noah as he made himself comfortable while turning down the volume.

“Now for…reporting the news…today…blood moon…also full……strange things happening…disappearing…….” Benjamin felt tired from all the stress and grief that Cheetah caused him, so he ignored the newscaster on CNN.

“I need to go to the bathroom, get the XBOX ready,” said Benjamin as he walked past the now asleep Cheetah.

“Wake up, wake up,” thought Benjamin, now slapping himself in the mirror after washing his face with cold water, “I’ve been wanting to come to Noah’s for a week, now is not the time to be tired.”

“Is the XBOX ready?” asked Benjamin as he walked out of the bathroom. No answer… “Noah, you there?” still no response.

Closing the door, Benjamin felt his heart pounding as he discovered that not only his friend and his cat were gone, but the whole house had also changed. The “new” home was covered in spider webs and dust. Just then, Benjamin heard a loud slam, and the door he had just closed slammed again and started to ooze a brown-black liquid that smelled like rusting metal. A red light peered through the window onto the door, and that was when Benjamin realized that it was not ooze coming out from the door but the blood leaking from upstairs.

He tried to escape since he saw that the front door was unlocked, but tche door didn’t even budge an inch. That’s when he started to panic. He ran upstairs to see if he could find any help, but it seemed like he was going in loops. Every time he climbed to the top of the staircase, he found himself standing at the same spot as he was before; discouraged and scared, Benjamin carefully walked back to the bathroom that he came out of and walked in.

The door slammed behind him, and he was trapped inside; he could hear a burst of scary laughter and see a red light. Then in a flash, a ghostly figure came floating toward Benjamin. He thought it was the end when he heard, “Benjamin, Benjamin, come on, the XBOX is ready. Why are you still sleeping? Look, Cheetah is already awake.” Noah tried to shake Benjamin awake.

“ Wh– what? Where am I,” asked Benjamin sleepily. “I was asleep?”

“Yes, stupid, you were sleeping this whole time, and I was trying to wake you up.” answered Noah grabbing his XBOX controllers, “Here you go.”

“So, I never went to your bathroom?” asked Benjamin, sitting straight up, holding the controller in his hand.

“You what? You never budged after we sat down and were just asleep.”

“Okay, then it’s probably a dream; come on, let’s play first; I will tell you about the dream later,” said Benjamin as he got ready to play.

The two friends played and laughed until midnight.

