Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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For some reason, the trees were still getting battered by the wind, and the tall grass was still swinging left and right…

Tom was staring out the window, bored out of his mind. It was a hot summer day, and there was nothing to do. Tom was born in New York, but after the Great Depression, his family thought it would be better to move to Japan, since they knew a little bit of Japanese, and also because they heard that the Great Depression did not. He was only five years old then. Tom’s family didn’t have enough money to buy more than two or three desktop computers, so Tom had no digital entertainment. His mom died when he was only two, and his dad is an engineer. Almost every day, Tom’s dad drives to a big office building an hour away. He works there until nine at night, so all Tom would do every day before his dad would come back home was either stare out of his window or play with his toys.

Today was like every other day. Tom laid flat on the ground, pondering about what he would eat after his dad and mom came back from work. Suddenly, he noticed something shiny on the cabinet next to him. He stood up, grabbed the object, and sat back down to observe it. It was a necklace, the one his mom gave him. It was very expensive, but she bought it because she thought it was “unique”. She always said that it would help him when he really needed it, but Tom never believed it because every time he was bored, he tried to use it, and it (obviously) didn’t work. As Tom was looking at his necklace, he realized that it was getting very cold. Suddenly, he heard a loud banging sound coming from the door. He went to open it, but when he did, he was thrown back and hit his head hard on the wall at the very end of the room. A shadowy figure came in and said in a quiet voice, “Where is the necklace?”

“W-what do you mean?”

The mysterious figure said in a louder voice, “WHERE IS THE NECKLACE?”

Then Tom remembered his mom saying, “Use it only when you need to.” He reached for the necklace and, suddenly, a loud booming voice filled the room.

It said, “ONE WISH.”

The more calm part of his mind made him say, “Th-this never happened!”

The mysterious figure stared at Tom for a second and then screamed, “NOOOO,” but it was too late. One second later, Tom was back on the hard, cold floor, except this time there was a brand new computer next to him. He sat up quickly, thinking that the shadowy figure was still there, but he wasn’t. Was it all a dream? Tom rubbed his head. It still hurt. He wasn’t sure if he just accidentally bumped his head. He wasn’t sure if the necklace actually saved his life from a shadowy monster. But he was sure that his life had finally become interesting.

