Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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My entire life, I’ve wanted a dragon… The bright scales, glowing eyes, and smoking nostrils of a dream that I knew would never come true, no matter how hard I tried. Here, owning a dragon is punishable by death.

It would take only a stroll in a street to see why. Amongst the brightly colored cottages and neatly tended gardens are signs. Signs that depict dragons that have been brutally killed and brought before The Emperor.

The emperor is a man of pure evil, with his glinting eyes and bejeweled rings. A man not fit to rule the nation. A man who has forced the citizens to pay high taxes, with all of the money coming into his own hands. All to make his palace grander, his life better. Yet, he never thought to consider the starving citizens who labored in the sun, just to put food on the table.

Today, as usual, I helped Mother prepare breakfast for our family of six. The usual hubbub buzzed around the table.

Father talked about the new crops we were able to grow. Mother, with her brow wrinkled anxiously, wondered how we were going to manage this winter. Maddox complained about breakfast, and the twins, Everly and Tate, compared dresses and hair ribbons.

Breakfast was soon over, and Father and Maddox went to work in the fields, while Mother, Everly, and Tate started to work on their patchwork quilt.

Looking around the house, I suddenly felt a fresh wave of nausea, and went outside to get some fresh air. I put on my combat boots, and walked between the fields, taking in the scenery.

Brightly colored fairies buzzed around the fields, commenting about their clothes and jewelry: “That’s a pretty dress you have!” “Thank you! It was very expensive!” “I like your gemstone earrings!” “Really? I thought they were ugly!”

Father waved at me from the fields, his brown eyes twinkling.

“Hi, Circe! Nausea again?”

I nodded. Father had a special way of knowing what people were feeling.

I walked past the fields, and soon found myself in Moonwood Forest, filled with enchanted creatures and magical plants. Little fairies and gnomes had made their homes in trees, while the occasional phoenix fluttered by. Venus fairytraps opened and closed their jaws, while brightly colored flowers danced in the wind.

As I walked deeper into the forest, I could almost hear a sort of snuffling noise, but I was sure it couldn’t have been anything important.

Some time later, I saw a large bush, with something glinting behind it. Here, the snuffling noise was loudest. I looked over, and saw a large creature, with glowing eyes, bright scales, and smoking nostrils. It was a dragon.

