Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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Once, there were some cats and some rats.

The cats hated the rats.

The rats hated the cats.

Both the cats and the rats were brats.

First, the cats snuck half-decomposed fish into the rats’ mats.

In return, the rats put rotten yogurt into the cats’ hats.

To get the rats back for their prank, the cats asked the bats to attack the rats.

This made the rats sit on the cat’s round cat toys until they were flat.

The cats and the rats got so mad that one day they just stopped being brats.

Then the cats and the rats became friends.

