Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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Is perfection actually attainable? How does one achieve perfection? I believe the real question is, what does one define as perfection?

When I was younger, I often attributed perfection to what I called “The Perfect Day.” A day where I did not procrastinate, where I followed my plan perfectly down to the minute. But it wasn’t until I woke up one day, feeling too tired to follow any schedule, that I truly had a day perfect day.

In retrospect, it was almost identical to any other day. In fact, I was only “productive” for about three to four hours, as the rest of my day was spent outside or with family. But that night, I had gone to sleep feeling happy and content. I hadn’t spent exactly 45 minutes practicing piano, or done exactly 20 math problems, but that day was closer to perfect than any of my other “perfect” days combined.

While everyone’s definition of perfection may be unique, to me, it can describe anything that makes me satisfied. Because though perfection is often depicted as impossible, it doesn’t always mean flawless or immaculate. As long as I’m proud of something I did, I deem it perfect. If I’m happy somewhere, it’s the perfect place. While it’s fine to find perfection in an excellent report card, I believe everyone should rethink its’ definition.

Despite this, success greatly weighs on creating viable goals and plans. If ones goal is truly unattainable, such as getting a 100% on every test, perfection may never be achieved. However, if one takes the time to stop and think about what will actually bring them more happiness in the long run, they may be able to achieve it in their own way.

Upon creating more reasonable goals, people often have more motivation to work towards them, and are shocked by how much they can achieve. For example, after I changed my own schedule to balance work and play, I found myself more willing to be productive in general.

It’s important to not always view perfection at face value. Because in doing so, one will realize that it can be attained and achieved through a change in mindset. And as Laozi once said, “Perfection is the willingness to be imperfect.”

