Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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In 2019, an enormous virus infection spread across the Earth (Comment: You’re supposed to write from 2020. -5), rumors said it was called COVID-19 and coronavirus. (Comment: Those are rumors! It’s called the Virus XI11. -1)

From 2020 to 2024, many people started designing artificial intelligence, and a famous AI called chat GPT. It was good for chatting, so that was its name. It is the oldest AI known to human civilization and was popular worldwide. Many other AIs, like the famous map AI, PlanTrack, were made later.

In 2027, humans started new tests by combining lots of nutrients beneficial to the brain, creating the Smart Pill. It was extremely uncommon at that point, and there weren’t many, a rich person at that time got his hands on 10 of these pills, and he accidentally left one on the outside table, and our most famous hero squirrel, ate the pill.

Of course, he paid back the person and wanted to get more, but that is a different topic. Later, in the year 2030, there was the Big War. For those humans, it was called the Big War, for squirrels, we called it The Human-Squirrel War. (Comment: Oliver, You should stick to humans and avoid talking about the squirrels. Write about the squirrels later. – 4)

In 2035, The humans went to another habitable planet, thanks to the amazing squirrel Hazel. In 2040, squirrels started inventing many amazing weapons and were trading with humans on our planet Leafers. Then in 2040, the first report of the Snake Attack was on SSS 24. Eventually, the squirrels found out that a snake invasion attacked the station.

