Below the misty clouds on an unknown island, there was a village called Rivesville that was next to Arnaut hills. The residents there think that cleanliness is essential, so they especially hate mud. Mud is everywhere in the forests of Chili in Arnaut hills, so nobody is allowed to the woods.
In Rivesville lived a family of 3 with a cat named Muddy, he was a tabby cat that had blue eyes with yellow and black fur that shines under sunlight. Muddy lived according to his name; he loved to roll in mud every day; he would come home and leave a trail of muddy paws. People hated Muddy because he always ran into the forest in the morning, coming back in the afternoon and covering the town and houses in muddy paw prints. The family that owned Muddy knew that people despised him and wanted them to get rid of Muddy. But he never learned, making the family dislike him as much as they would if he was a kitten who didn’t go outside.
After another night of yelling at Muddy, the family went to sleep; they woke up with no Muddy whatsoever. This made the family nervous, but they thought that Muddy must’ve gone to play again, so they didn’t look for him. But Muddy didn’t come back…
Days turned into weeks, turned into months. Muddy was forgotten… One day when the family was cleaning a new wardrobe, they found muddy pawprints, and it was just then they remembered him, the kitten. Then they recognized him, the kitten who came with them to Rivesville. They ran out the door with a new goal, disregarding all the rules.
They looked around until they charged into the dark and misty forest, not caring what the village people thought. Just then, they found Muddy lying in the mud that he loves, fast asleep.
In Rivesville lived a family of 3 with a cat named Muddy, he was a tabby cat that had blue eyes with yellow and black fur that shines under sunlight. Muddy lived according to his name; he loved to roll in mud every day; he would come home and leave a trail of muddy paws. People hated Muddy because he always ran into the forest in the morning, coming back in the afternoon and covering the town and houses in muddy paw prints. The family that owned Muddy knew that people despised him and wanted them to get rid of Muddy. But he never learned, making the family dislike him as much as they would if he was a kitten who didn’t go outside.
After another night of yelling at Muddy, the family went to sleep; they woke up with no Muddy whatsoever. This made the family nervous, but they thought that Muddy must’ve gone to play again, so they didn’t look for him. But Muddy didn’t come back…
Days turned into weeks, turned into months. Muddy was forgotten… One day when the family was cleaning a new wardrobe, they found muddy pawprints, and it was just then they remembered him, the kitten. Then they recognized him, the kitten who came with them to Rivesville. They ran out the door with a new goal, disregarding all the rules.
They looked around until they charged into the dark and misty forest, not caring what the village people thought. Just then, they found Muddy lying in the mud that he loves, fast asleep.