Last week, a girzzle bear s killed a womanin Yellowstone. Authorities are still in the search of finding the bear in question. There are 965 bears still left in the park. That’s more than four times the number of bears in 1975!

Surprisingly, grizzly bears prefer to be away from humans, rather than near. Since Yellowstone was established in 1972, only eight people have died of bear attacks, but 44 people have been injured. Yellowstone has 3.3 million each year on average.

Frank van Manen leads the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team.

“When you think of that, and you combine that with a population of almost a thousand grizzly bears, it is actually remarkable that there are so few serious incidents,” van Manen said. Hannibal Anderson lives 30 miles from the incident. He grew up in the area, and he says the grizzlies are never really much of a problem, besides the fact that they kill a few cows occasionally.

“Not enough to raise alarms with regard to the number of bears,” Andersonsaid.

The day of the incident, Anderson bumped into Ellery Vincent, who takes care of the cattle, who has a feeling a grizzly has attacked a cow.

Anersonis always careful to watch out for bears. He has never personally encountered onebut knows of elk hunters who have run into them.

