Dead Birds Near Power Lines Aren’t Electrocuted
According to a survey of five different places in the United States, most dead birds found beneath power lines are…
Birds are Getting Electrocuted and Shot on Power Lines
When people see dead avians under a power line, they assume they were electrocuted by a power line. But that…
Human’s best animal friend – introduction of Dolphins
On the day of August 2021, In the icy waters of the Isle of Talley, Ireland, a 30-year-old British man…
The World’s Oldest and Animal Has His Birthday
Last month, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise turned 190 years old. He is the oldest land animal on earth, earning…
World’s Oldest Land Animal Turns 190
Jonathon, a Seychelles giant tortoise, turned 190 years old recently. He is the oldest animal in the world. His birthday…