Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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Thomas turned a corner and hurried down a street. He was late for school! The bus had left before he could catch it and now, he was sprinting down the street.

Thomas arrived at his homeroom a few minutes late and was told to sit down. His new teacher said, “Please copy the classroom rules, Thomas. The rest of the class is waiting.” Embarrassed, Thomas picked up a small pen the teacher had provided him. He couldn’t help but think about story ideas as he was writing. Trying not to zone out he doodled a small cat with a little hat. Then the paper seemed to lurch and a small kitten with a little hat appeared in 3D. The kitten was a Siamese Cat. Out of nowhere his doodle on the paper was gone! Thomas was startled but decided to keep quiet. He realized what he had just done. He decided to make a mental note. Luckily no one noticed as the rest of the class continued obediently listening to the teacher, Mr. Nelson. Thomas stuffed the little cat into his backpack.

As he listened to the lesson, he felt like something was awry. The other kids in his class were not making any noise. They were always obedient and cooperative. This was not normal. Any class full of 6th graders would be chaotic, no matter how good the students were. Mr. Nelson stared at him and never looked away. First he looked confused, then angry. Suddenly all his classmates fell limp. Thomas stared in shock as Mr. Nelson approached him. He even saw the lights flicker. “Boy, how are you still awake? You should have been controlled by me!” demanded Mr. Nelson. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! What is happening!” replied Thomas. He thought his new school was going to be a little weird, but this was different.

Mr. Nelson contemplated Thomas’s response. Then he snapped back to anger. He held out his hand and fire appeared over his palms. Thomas panicked and ran, tripping over his classmate’s limp leg. Mr. Nelson walked towards him again, looking like he was about to end Thomas’s life right then and there. “No humans should be in control of themselves!” snarled Mr. Nelson, “The Radrital will be in Control! We will start a new era! Ones who don’t obey will die!”. Suddenly Thomas’s backpack tore open, and the kitten from his drawing jumped out. It landed right on Mr. Nelson’s face and began to scratch furiously. While the kitten was slicing up Mr. Nelson, Thomas rushed up to his desk and drew the most epic, and largest sword he could imagine. It was a little lopsided in the rush, but it was good enough. He ran over to the badly hurt Mr. Nelson and drove his sword through his chest. Green liquid spilled out onto Mr. Nelson’s fancy suit, and soon the corpse turned into a demon-looking monster, then vanished.

Thomas felt his heart start to calm down as the kitten jumped into his lap and he asked himself what had just happened. He had to sit down and think, but then everyone stirred. They looked at each other in surprise, seeming to have witnessed everything.

After giving a motivational speech. The kids agreed that there had to be something up with this school. Many kids spoke about their weird experiences with the principal, other teachers, and other students. There was no way that one demon snuck in as a teacher. They decided that they should stop these evil demons. Soon the whole class was in badly drawn battle armor. There were random Pokémon and other game characters from games other kids played. For some reason only the pen Mr. Nelson had given him worked and only Thomas could draw the armor and weapons. Soon everyone was prepared and charged into the nearby class. Thomas didn’t realize what he had gotten himself into.

