Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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I sprinted down the hall, pulling up my jacket, and a purse at random. I dashed out the door. “I can’t be late! This is the best thing that has happened in a while; I can’t let it be ruined like all the other things too.” I rushed down the bustling street of New York bumping into people on the way.

“Sorry!” I yelled running ahead. “Finally! This must be the building.” I stopped in front of the 13-floor skyscraper, bending over trying to catch my breath. As soon as my breathing was back to normal, a shoe fell from the sky barely missing my head.

“Ah!” I screamed, taking a step back. The shoe-turned-missile had landed it was… it was one of my designs!? I picked it up as carefully as if it was a bomb about to explode. The tennis shoe was a nice turquoise color that faded into white. “I don’t have time for this nonsense.” I shoved it into my purse, straightened my clothes, took a deep breath and walking through the door and up to the front desk, trying to not think about what had just happened.

“Hello, how may I help you?” The lady with the nametag that read Linda.

“Hello ma’am, I’m here for an interview?”



“Last name?”


“Ok take the elevator on the right to the 13th floor. Room.”

“Ok. Thank you!” I said, walking off into the elevator. I pushed 13 and the elevator took exactly 189 seconds (I counted) to start moving. Just as it started to move, I looked down to find that the shoe in my purse started to glow. I dropped my purse.

“What is happening?!” I yelled dropping to the floor and crawling away from the purse. Suddenly, the shoe fluttered out and settled by my knees.

“You grew wings?” I asked holding the strange piece of footwear it like it was a trophy. Its only reply was shaking its wings.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I say, recovering my purse and setting the shoe gently onto the bottom of my purse. The elevator finally came to a stop. I stepped out, peered into my purse and made a no talking motion to the sneaker inside. The people on that floor looked at me, but I didn’t care. I walked around the maze-like floor, walking in circles.

On my 3rd circle, I decided to go left instead even though there was a sign that said: CAUTION! Half the lights in that hallway were broken, but the first door I saw was labeled 1333. I knocked on the door only to hear silence followed by a high-pitched scream. I jolted back, looking down at my perfect replica design of a tennis show. It moved its wing in the direction of the elevator.

“You’re right, I should go.” I said walking away from the door. Just then, the door swung open. “Too late.”

“Uhm, hello.” I say lifting my head to see the face of the person who had opened the door. I saw a tall blond boy who had the most beautiful blue-green eyes–eyes the same color as my shoe design.

“Who are you?” He asked, scanning me up and down.

“Uh, Elia West, I’m here for an interview?”

“Oh, right, come on in.” The man said, opening the door further and waving me in. I walked in slowly, waiting for something to happen.

“Sit.” He said, motioning to the chair with his lunchbox on it. He walked over to the chair and moved his lunchbox. The next thing that happened was a blur. First, I saw my shoe shoot out of my purse and straight into the man’s face. I took the chance and scrambled out the door, running to the elevator. I pushed buttons frantically until I finally started moving. I sighed, sliding down the elevator until I sat on the floor. My shoe darted in after me, motioning that we had to get out of here immediately.

“You’re right, that job was a scam.” I say standing back up again. The doors slid open, and I sprinted out of there into the loud streets of New York. The sun was now setting making the sky a bright orange. “How long was I in there. It didn’t feel that long.” Just then, I realized my bag was suddenly much lighter. I looked down to find that the shoe was now missing.

“Now, where did you go?” I whispered into my bag as I dug through my belongings. After a few minutes I stopped looking and just walked home in silence. Once I got home, I looked around for the light and once it was on, I saw the shoe. My shoe sitting on the table waiting for me. I smiled, picking it up thinking of a name for it.

