Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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Welcome to Wattpad!

At Wattpad, you can read and write whatever your heart desires, whether it’s a cringy romance novel, a sad love story, or some book character kissing a trash can.

Now, let’s get started, shall we?

The first and most important step in writing a story is to develop the plot. An average Wattpad

“Table of Contents” would go something like this:

Chapter 1

Author’s note

Author’s note

Thanks for 100 reads!

Chapter 2

Something bad happened…

I’m going to end this book

Author’s note

As long as you follow this structure, you should be fine.

For the first chapter, you need to think of a character, and the character’s personality. After you choose the name, make sure that your character is a Mary Sue. Make sure your character has no flaws whatsoever. Also, make sure your character has a super cool power, like an evil side or something; or, you can simply make them depressed.

When you finished writing the first chapter, make sure to never proofread. When you don’t

proofread, then it makes it seem that you are cool.

At the end of a chapter, never come back to the story. No updates, nothing.

In the next “Author’s Note”, lie that something bad happened to you. Here’s a great example:

Hey guys! I’m so sorry I haven’t been updating. I was hit by a car and then sent to a

hospital, and then I was killed by someone AND then I was revived AND now I’m in the

orphanage writing this. Expect a chapter coming soon!

You see how this wasn’t proofread?

Fill up most of your story with these author’s notes. Always make up a new, original excuse

every time!

When you get to chapter two, write the chapter as normal. Make sure to include a cliffhanger so your readers want more.

After you finish chapter two, end the book immediately. Say something along the lines of this:

Hey guys! I know I haven’t been updating, and it is the middle of the book. But I just have

too many things going on in my life, and I simply cannot continue it. I’m sorry for leaving

you on a cliffhanger.

(Insert sad quote here)

I’ll end it here now. I’m out.

These simple steps will make you grow more and more popular as a Wattpad writer!

