Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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That night, Ellie walked outside, breathing in the cool night breeze. She wondered if Nyra and Ivy were mad at her for storming off like that. She knew that Ivy was mad, she had heard her mutter under her breath about Ellie. But why would she do that? Ivy was so nice when they were younger. It seemed strange for Ivy to act like that. She always tried to be helpful and never got mad. At least, not until last year when she yelled at Nyra for getting water up her nose.

But what about Nyra, what would she possibly think? Ellie tried to reassure herself. Nyra would probably just ignore her for a few days. But what if she didn’t? Ellie thought of all the horrible things she could do. Everyone loved Nyra. If she wanted them to hate Ellie, they probably would. Nyra, out of all animals, wouldn’t, right? Ellie tried to believe that Nyra would never try to purposely hurt her.

Out in the distance, she heard someone shout in a loud, frantic voice. But it was too muffled for Ellie to hear. She assumed it was just some owl that got into their house that was petrifying them in the dark. It happened all the time when she was a kit.

But Ellie heard more shouts, and then a horrifying shriek that made freeze immediately. Something was definitely wrong. Ellie began sprinting towards the scene, but part of her wasn’t sure if she would want to get caught in the chaos. Leaving it alone would mean she would be safe, but she wanted to know what happened. Eventually, curiosity got the better of her, and she started running towards the scene.

As she got closer, she heard the crackling of something, and a wave of heat hit her. Then, she heard an eerie howl of a wolf, followed by the shouts of two other animals she couldn’t identify. Ellie approached the area, running faster and more frantically. As she came closer and closer, the place became more and more and more chaotic. She heard shouting from the distance, followed by the smell of burning trees and houses. Ellie swore she could have passed out from the heat.

Finally, she arrived at the city square, and skidded to a halt. A whole battle was taking place, and the enemy, who were all wearing cloaks of some sort, seemed to be winning. She could see the enemy driving them backwards. Yet still, they kept fighting. Foxes and wolves ran towards each other, blood spraying everyone. Another wave of heat blasted Ellie in the face, and she stared in horror at the flames surrounding her, which were well above the height of most of the trees. She watched them consume everything in their path, leaving scorch marks everywhere. Among the fray, she spotted Ivy who had already arrived to fight. Butt where was Nyra? She should be here. Ivy was fighting a couple of large timber wolves. And Ellie considered helping her, but another animal snuck up behind her and nearly bit her neck.

Surprised and taken off guard, Ellie could only think of running away. Her opponent seemed bigger and much stronger. She watched him loom over her, his muscles rippling under his fur. There was no way Ellie, who was lanky and lightweight, could defeat a canine like that. She took off, running as fast as her legs could carry her, with her opponent not far behind. Ellie, who was nimble and light, could weave through the buildings and fire easily, but the canine, who was bulky and big, had a hard time weaving across the place, and kept getting blocked by the ever increasing size of the fires. Ellie leaped over a burning bush and scampered into the woods her paws barely touching the ground. Her only goal now was to get as far away as possible. Then, Ellie stumbled and landed on her forepaws. Her left paw fell at an awkward angle, making Ellie yelp out in pain. She struggled to get up, and Ellie could almost feel her opponent’s breath on her neck, so she forced herself to get up kept running till she was far away from the fires, even though her paws hurt every stride.

Panting, she heaved herself into a dark cave and flopped down, grateful to have escaped.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp sting on her left forepaw. Ellie looked down, and realized that her paw was twisted the wrong way. That must have been from her fall. Ellie curled up into a ball and sighed. She wished she hadn’t run away like a coward. Otherwise, her paw may not have been hurt. As much as she wanted to go back and prove herself wrong, she knew that she would be useless during the battle with her paw. It would be suicide. But she could rest here and wait for the battle to be over.

Ellie was in the cave, but she wasn’t awake in her physical body. She was lighter than her usual self, and she couldn’t feel her body. Looking around she seemed to be in the exact spot she slept. She sat there and waited for herself to wake up. But for a while, nothing happened.

But suddenly, she heard a whisper from the shadows. “Ellie…” it said. Then, it got louder and louder, and she saw the silhouette of another fox, but it seemed lifeless. Her ears were now ringing from the voices, and her mind was spinning out of control. She threw herself on the ground, trying her best to block out the sounds. Still, they got louder and louder. Then, Ellie had a horrifying realization. The voices were coming towards her. Little by little. The voices kept drawing closer, and Ellie just couldn’t take it any more.

“STOP IT! STOP!” she screamed, but the voices were no longer there, and the world was silent.

