Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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The sun beat down on my back. I felt drained, tired, ready to drop down. My clothes were heavy with water, and all of it was starting to evaporate. Julian explained that, when water evaporates it takes heat along with it, which could be quite deadly as night was approaching really soon. I really didn’t know how, but I was able to stay afloat and had caught onto Julian, with everyone else floating elsewhere. Julian had had a life preserver tossed at him by Bethany, saving the two of us from drowning. As we shakily trudged on, I kept thinking about how lucky we were, hoping the others were nearby. The floodwaters had remained, however, making walking an absolute pain, with a few things in our bag soaked.

After quite some time, Julian looked around and decided to sit in some clearing of the desert we were in. I just collapsed down onto the ground walking had never been my forte. Then, I saw him looking around for something, before choosing some rocks and a few pieces of wood for a fire. Some of our prepackaged wood was now damaged, with our waterproof bags saving most of it, but we didn’t have enough to last us the whole trip, forcing us to use desert sticks and rocks to hopefully make a fire. I sort of got lost in my thoughts, thinking about the rest of my friend, and how each one of them would be able to help us in this situation. Alden would be telling weird jokes and some stories, with Leo and Noah bringing humor in and drawing funny images, and Bethany would be telling us how to properly conserve water and that we should light a rescue flare to signal others… Wait.

