It had been nearly 250 years since the curse was cast upon me.
I was a normal dragon: scaly, majestic, and known to occasionally cause havoc in a local village. However, little did I know, all those times when I had been leisurely messing with the lives of puny humans, a witch had been watching me.
One day the witch appeared to me in a dream. I don’t remember exactly how the dream went. All I can recall is the witch telling me that a curse would be laid upon me for the next five centuries. The curse decreed that I would be transformed into a human being every evening after sundown and then converted back into my dragon form by sunrise. The witch also said that, for every time I caused trouble in the village, a century would be added to the curse’s duration.
Therefore, every single night, I locked myself in a tower. I despised my human form because it made me feel weak and defenseless.
Tonight was just another dreary night for my poor accursed self. As I watched the sun set, I could feel the intense pain of my wings being sucked inside my back, of my talons turning into bony fingers, and my face transforming agonizingly into my ugly human visage.
I sighed. I despised the fact that I was so helpless in my human form. When I was a dragon, I could at least defend myself from the creatures that roamed the night. If anyone found out about this curse, this nightly weakness, my safety would be threatened; I might even perish.
As I was getting ready to curl up on the cold, stone floor of the tower to prepare for my nightly slumber, I heard a loud banging noise from the tower’s locked gate.
Beginning to shake with fear, I thought: This is it. This is how it’s going to end. Curse that witch and curse everything!
On the final BANG! the door flew open. The giant padlock flew from the door, sliding across the ground until it stopped, inches from my face.
Still crouched on the ground, I looked up.
In the doorframe stood a human figure. The person held a long sword that glimmered in the moonlight.
“I HAVE COME TO SLAY YOU, DRAGON!” a loud voice boomed.
I was a normal dragon: scaly, majestic, and known to occasionally cause havoc in a local village. However, little did I know, all those times when I had been leisurely messing with the lives of puny humans, a witch had been watching me.
One day the witch appeared to me in a dream. I don’t remember exactly how the dream went. All I can recall is the witch telling me that a curse would be laid upon me for the next five centuries. The curse decreed that I would be transformed into a human being every evening after sundown and then converted back into my dragon form by sunrise. The witch also said that, for every time I caused trouble in the village, a century would be added to the curse’s duration.
Therefore, every single night, I locked myself in a tower. I despised my human form because it made me feel weak and defenseless.
Tonight was just another dreary night for my poor accursed self. As I watched the sun set, I could feel the intense pain of my wings being sucked inside my back, of my talons turning into bony fingers, and my face transforming agonizingly into my ugly human visage.
I sighed. I despised the fact that I was so helpless in my human form. When I was a dragon, I could at least defend myself from the creatures that roamed the night. If anyone found out about this curse, this nightly weakness, my safety would be threatened; I might even perish.
As I was getting ready to curl up on the cold, stone floor of the tower to prepare for my nightly slumber, I heard a loud banging noise from the tower’s locked gate.
Beginning to shake with fear, I thought: This is it. This is how it’s going to end. Curse that witch and curse everything!
On the final BANG! the door flew open. The giant padlock flew from the door, sliding across the ground until it stopped, inches from my face.
Still crouched on the ground, I looked up.
In the doorframe stood a human figure. The person held a long sword that glimmered in the moonlight.
“I HAVE COME TO SLAY YOU, DRAGON!” a loud voice boomed.