Instructions:  Write something creative, whether it’s a piece of flash fiction, a limerick poem, a memoir, or a letter to a friend… You have total control!   Minimum: 250 words.   Some ideas for what to write:  Flash fiction Short story Chapter of a book Memoir Creative nonfiction Poem (haiku, balla...

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“Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.” – Pinterest. Well, it’s true. I’m sure, at some point or another, most of us have bawled out our eyes out while listening to the most depressing and discouraging song play. A bass plays a huge role in touching our hearts with its loud yet deep tone and expressive sounds. In this article, instead of plucking guitar strings, we’ll be plucking the history of the bass guitar. How has this instrument evolved to form the landscape of our world’s modern music pieces today?

As we dive into the long journey of the bass guitar, we start all the way back in the early 1930s. This was the year Paul Taulmarc invented the first ever bass, or actually, bass fiddle, inspired by the very old, ancient steel guitars. Anywho, it was invented because Taulmarc wanted a version of the guitar that could produce a deeper pitch and a more exaggerated sound. Soon afterward, his invention spread, and this instrument was used by many musicians and enthusiasts and helped music genres such as jazz, blues, and early rock and roll grow tremendously. Speaking of which, did you know that the first music artist to ever try out a bass was the Beatles band member, Paul McCartney?

Fast forward to the 1950s, the Fender Precision Bass, the instrument that had the most impact on music society was founded. However, it didn’t stop there because as the bass grew, the music industry continued to expand and grow as well. Jumping to modern times, to the 21st century, bass produces a steady rhythm.

The evolution of bass guitars have proved the musician’s endless spirit of creation and human overall innovative minds. As the music industry continues to grow, there is no doubt that this instrument will as well boost the world’s musical landscape with its upbeat melodies and sounds.

I tried to make it relatively short because it was supposed to be a three minute long speech. I’m not really sure if I’m about to cram every single piece of evidence into 3 minutes,

Hahahahaha literally no problem! Yes of course, in that case, it is more about what information you include rather than how much. Here, you just need to include a sentence or two in each paragraph that explains the reasons behind why bass is important to the development of modern music and those older genres. Why is the sound a bass produces important? Is it because it allowed for slower songs? Or sadder songs? Or more depth? Or just meant that musicians could increase the complexity of what they played?

As it is, you could kind of replace the word bass with any other instrument, and it wouldn’t really change the article that much. You could as easily say that snare drums, or electric guitar were vital.

