Tyler Dudek


Articles by Tyler Dudek

I used to be moneyI am rare nowadays2 ounces of me, Iam 2000 dollarsWhat am I?
TerrificRefreshing airEntertaining to growEven can be made into paper, Hahahah!
Splendid sport,Wow, he is fast!Interesting to watch, and do,My brother is faster than me in 2 strokes,My mom swims but...
Nice color,A darker blue,Veterans Day is a hint,You can look at the side for the answer
Perfect,Incredible taste,Zucchini,Ziti,Awesome food for a birthday party
Please, can I have them, Dad?Ant’s lifetime supply of food,Nice food to eat for dinner,Creamy,Actually, fluffy is better,Keep eating them,“Egg”cellent