4 August 2023 Alyssa Hong Sports Stolen Columbus Letter Returned to Italy Decades Later A copy of a letter stolen in the 1980s written by Christopher Columbus written was returned to Italy after 30...
2 August 2023 Alyssa Hong Sports In Remembrance of Funny Cide, Who Had Almost Won the Triple Crown This week, Funny Cide passed at the age of 23 years old.Funny Cide was known for being the first New...
28 July 2023 Alyssa Hong Science & Technology Chambers in your Brain Fluid-filled chambers in the human brain expand while astronauts are in space. It’s one way the brain adapts to lower...
12 July 2023 Alyssa Hong Creative Writing The Spy (Part 4) In Part 1-3 of The Spy, Alexander and Luna were sent out on a mission in Russia to stop whatever...
12 July 2023 Alyssa Hong Science & Technology Dolphin Mothers Use ‘Baby Talk’ to Communicate With Offspring When someone is talking to a baby or young animal, most people immediately know who or what they are talking...
10 July 2023 Alyssa Hong Sports Princess Leia Dress from ‘Star Wars movie’ expected to bring in $2 Million went unsold Carrie Fisher’s dress from the famous movie Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope worn by Carrie Fisher in...