The clash between China and Vietnam over the South China Sea has surged to new heights. Experts worry that the territorial dispute could have some serious consequences.

Due to the rich underground oil in the ocean and its vast area, both countries race to claim parts of the South China Sea. Vietnam has accelerated its island construction in the sea, concerning experts in the Southeast Asian Policy. Vietnam has reclaimed over 2000 acres from the sea, over 700 acres since November 2023.

The risk of armed conflict concerning the South China Sea has soared over the past few years. Various other countries including Taiwan. Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines are also involved in competing over claims of land in the South China Sea. These countries have century-old conflicts over the South China Sea, but they have rocketed within the past five years.

“There are fears that the area is becoming a flashpoint, with potentially serious global consequences,” says BBC.

The countries are interested in these waters because it is a major shipping route, with about 21% of global trade. It also has abundant fishing grounds providing food to millions as well as islands and land with many resources.

China issued a claim in 1947, announcing its historical rights of areas in the sea, quickly dismissed by Taiwan and especially Vietnam. Vietnam disputes China’s historical account, proclaiming that China had never claimed sovereignty over the lands before the 1940s.

Although the U.S is neutral in the conflict, it has sent military ships and planes near disputed islands saying it was for free navigation. Japan is also not directly involved but has shown support to Vietnam and the Philippines by sending ships and military equipment.

Experts are concerned that these ‘clashes’ may lead to severe outcomes in the future. The South China Sea dispute could result in a potentially serious global conflict.

Image Credit by Nothing Ahead

