Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Have you ever seen a beagle? These dogs are small and unique. They are about as smart as a two-year-old and are hard to train because they just want to smell almost everything! They are very good for hunting. One beagle, named Elvis, could even smell pregnancy! Beagles are awesome dogs, but now you should be wondering why I am talking about them. Well, here’s the story:

One sunny Saturday, I got up and got dressed in my most comfortable clothes. You might be wondering why I did that. Well, I was planning to stay in the library, one of my favorite places in the world! Just as I was about to leave home, my dogs started howling. Yup, you should know that I have one sheltie and a bunch of pugs.

“What a heck is happening over there?” I thought to myself. As I walked to my dog’s room, I noticed the problem. We had run out of food! So much for the relaxing Saturday. I got into my car and headed to the pet store. So much for a relaxing Saturday.

When I stepped into the pet store, I finally realized how much I loved the pet store. The smell of dogs, cats, and new leashes and food. But today, I smelled something different. This smell was different, very different. I followed my nose to the smell, and boy, was I surprised. There were small brown, white, and black dogs everywhere. Most of their stomachs and legs were white. Their heads were brown, and their backs were black. I read the sign. Beagles.

Beagles, I had heard of them before. They are small unique dogs. They are about as smart as a two year-old and are hard to train because they just want to smell almost everything! They are very good for hunting. One beagle, named Elvis, could even smell pregnancy! I know that’s what I said in the beginning, but still.

Why were there so many beagles here? I thought this was a pet store, not a Beagle store. Then I saw the sign. Beagle World. Next to it was Poodle World. Then Pug World. And then Collie World! There was Collie World! I went inside the Collie section. There were rows of border collies, bearded collies, smooth collies, and shelties! Then I remembered what I was here for. I went into the pug section and grabbed a few bags of pug food. Then I went into the collie section and grabbed a few bags of sheltie food. Done! With that, I turned toward the exit. I stopped. What was I thinking? I turned the other way. Guess where I was going. It’s a surprise.

A few minutes later, I stopped into the manager’s office. Yep, I went to the manager. I told him about the Beagle situation. He sighed and slumped in his chair.

“Not everyone likes it, but I must do it. Everyone just likes beagles more”.

He showed me a chart. In the store, there were 200 beagles, 169 poodles, and 199 collies.

“Oh, I like how you arranged things,” I told him. “But why so many Beagles?”

“Oh, they say Beagles can smell pregnancy. Beagles are as smart as a two-year-old. This is all I can do. They’re happy like this, though.”

He gave me a weary smile. I smiled back, handed him the money, and headed out the door. Beagles were even better than a day at the library.

