Golden Staph is a new toxic disease that could be hiding in one out of every three of a human’s cells, particularly in Australia. Golden Staph can cause bodily damage and is becoming exceedingly common all around the world. The disease hides in human cells, going undetected by the immune system. Many people are catching this disease and the disease has the potential to kill.

The Golden Staph, its scientific name being Staphylococcus Aureus, is a common bacterium that lives on the skin or in the nose. In most situations, the golden staph is harmless. In some cases, however, if it enters the body through a wound, it can cause a range of mild to severe infections, which may cause serious injuries or even result in death in some cases. This disease can cause boils and abscesses – crusty infections of the skin impetigo – that are highly contagious. More serious infections can include pneumonia – infection of one or both lungs — and septic phlebitis, the infection of a vein. All of this can be caused by a single bacterium in your body.

Golden Staph was first found to be infectious when the University of Melbourne’s Abdou Hachani, a senior researcher who worked at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (Doherty Institute), published a groundbreaking discovery. For the first time, the Doherty Institute team reported how the bacterium could be very dangerous because they found it hiding in human cells without the immune system knowing. This was a stunning discovery that cleared the way for superior treatment for patients at risk before they developed more serious infections.

Australia has around 4,000 golden staph cases of infections a year, and about 20 percent of these patients die. Dr Hachani said one in three people unknowingly carry Golden staph in their nose or on their skin, for most of this “colonization” is non-addictive. For some people though, the golden staph can lead to serious infection and injuries or even death if it enters the bloodstream. This disease is very dangerous and can be in your body without you knowing.

The Golden Staph is a very dangerous disease that has grown to be more common. Even a small amount on your skin can contaminate many others. Thorough hand washing and good housekeeping, such as damp dusting, will help stop this disease.

