In February 2022, Russia began a war against Ukraine. Vladimir Putin, the leader of the Russian government, used his soldiers in battle, but as the Russian military started to lose to the NATO-supported Ukraine, another group joined the battle. Then, out of nowhere, that military ally made a threat to Russia. Ironically, the two militaries made up and began to work together again on Saturday.
The ally of the Russian military is called the Wagner Group, and was led by Yevgeny Prigozhin. Prigozhin and Putin had worked together in the past. Putin had commanded the Wagner soldiers to do jobs that he would never have wanted his soldiers to do.
The Wagner soldiers were very important additions to Russia’s war against Ukraine. However, tensions between Prigozhin and Putin’s military have grown over the years. In general, the Russian military does not enjoy having a political businessman leading them to battles.
A new law was passed just a few weeks ago. The law required that Wagner soldiers become part of the Russian military, which meant that Prigozhin would lose his soldiers. When he found out, he did not like the new law. The result of this was beef between Putin and Prigozhin.
Prigozhin accused Putin’s military of attacking Wagner soldiers. His response was a “march for justice.” Prigozhin returned 25,000 of his soldiers to Russia to take control of the city of Rostov-on-Don and the military bases around the area.
After a day of havoc, the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, made a deal between the two sides. Rebel Wagner soldiers were to go back toward Ukraine, while non-rebel Wagner soldiers were allowed to join Russia’s military. Prigozhin also agreed to settle in Belarus.
The ally of the Russian military is called the Wagner Group, and was led by Yevgeny Prigozhin. Prigozhin and Putin had worked together in the past. Putin had commanded the Wagner soldiers to do jobs that he would never have wanted his soldiers to do.
The Wagner soldiers were very important additions to Russia’s war against Ukraine. However, tensions between Prigozhin and Putin’s military have grown over the years. In general, the Russian military does not enjoy having a political businessman leading them to battles.
A new law was passed just a few weeks ago. The law required that Wagner soldiers become part of the Russian military, which meant that Prigozhin would lose his soldiers. When he found out, he did not like the new law. The result of this was beef between Putin and Prigozhin.
Prigozhin accused Putin’s military of attacking Wagner soldiers. His response was a “march for justice.” Prigozhin returned 25,000 of his soldiers to Russia to take control of the city of Rostov-on-Don and the military bases around the area.
After a day of havoc, the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, made a deal between the two sides. Rebel Wagner soldiers were to go back toward Ukraine, while non-rebel Wagner soldiers were allowed to join Russia’s military. Prigozhin also agreed to settle in Belarus.