Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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This June, Britain started putting GPS trackers on asylum seekers after arriving through the English Channel. Such actions have caused a public backlash because some argue that the government is treating asylum seekers as criminals.

The British government’s new regulations have rules that say that people coming to Britain on “unnecessary and dangerous routes” would have a GPS tracking device put on them to track info. Johnson says, “asylum seekers can’t just vanish into the rest of the country”. He believes this plan would keep the refugees/migrants and the citizens apart. The British government then flew migrants who challenged the decision to Rwanda to deter more illegal sea crossings.

Many people protested, including refugee organizations and human rights lawyers. They argue that the government is treating these asylum seekers as criminals. Enver Solomon, the chief executive of the Refugee Council, said, “It’s appalling that this government is intent on treating men, women, and children who have fled war, bloodshed, and persecution like criminals.” Adding on to the harsh and unfair treatment, they are monitored 24/7 everywhere they go, even in private places like the bathroom. Monish Bhatia, a lecturer in Criminology, warned that monitoring migrants with the devices could lead to “anxiety, depression, suicide ideation.” Once the migrants are released from being monitored, the government tags them. However,it is unclear how long they have to wear the tag.

This fact causes resentment among refugee advocates toward the government because the migrants were victims of war, enslaved people, or torture, causing even more harm to them than necessary. It is also near to no benefit for the government to detain these migrants.

Around 10,000 people cross the English Channel this year, with many people dying or going missing during the attempt. For example, a boat capsized and led to the death of 27 (include the date for this event). Last year over 28 thousand people crossed the English Channel and at least 44 died during the attempt.

