Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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We didn’t know iPhones could exist until we invented them, and the same goes for electric cars and self-driving cars. Now, scientists are looking towards perfecting robotic clothing.

When scientists in England saw a pair of pants that allowed you to walk on walls in a movie, they got inspired.

These scientists later created “The Right Trousers,” pants that can help elderly people get up. Because of this, scientists all over the world are trying to create robotic clothing with the dream that one day the clothes we wear could help us with daily life.

Some robotic clothes can move on their own, and others help soldiers and spies. Researchers say that this could be the turning point for robotic clothing. In the future clothes could not only monitor biometrics, but also improve blood circulation, lift people with disabilities, and assist with pregnancies.

These types of clothes are already coming out, as Google has been partnering with clothes companies so that users can link their phones to their clothes. This is not all though: researchers say that “… these connected clothes are just the first wave of smart clothing technology, and technological advances they’re working on will create clothing that can do far more.”

Researchers at MIT have already created hundreds of chips that can detect things like your heart rate. These chips are also small enough that they can be sewn into clothes and sturdy enough so that it can go through many cycles of cleaning. Yoel Fink, a materials science professor at MIT, says, ““Software is going to determine what services you’re receiving. And that thing is going to look like your T-shirt and your pants that you’re wearing right now.”

With all these breakthroughs, scientists have also encountered problems with robotic clothing, for instance weighing too much or feeling uncomfortable. Even with these problems, there will be robotic clothing in the near future.

