Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Brody Ridder, who is 12 years old, arrived home with a yearbook. It was no different from the other yearbooks, except it only had 5 signatures: Two from teachers, two from students, and one from himself.

The note Brody wrote himself said “hope you make some more friends”.

Brody’s mom, Cassandra, couldn’t stand this bullying anymore.

“Parents need to teach their children kindness, open up that dialogue,” she says. And if you see your child being mean to somebody else, talk to them about how that could possibly make them feel. Talk to them about intent versus impact.”

Still worried about her son being bullied, she posted a message on Facebook.

“My poor son,” it read. “Doesn’t seem like it’s getting any better. Two teachers and a total of two students wrote in his yearbook. Despite Brody asking all kinds of kids to sign it. So, Brody took it upon himself to write to himself. My heart is shattered. Teach your kids kindness.”

Soon, the message exploded. Celebrities, parents, kids all tried to find a way to help Brody.

Paul Rudd, who played Ant-Man in Ant-Man and Avengers: Endgame, stepped up. He called Brody over video and sent him a handwritten note.

“Dear Brody, it was great talking to you the other day,” it said. “It’s important to remember that even when life is tough, things get better. There are so many people that love you and think you’re the coolest kid there is—me being one of them! I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you are going to accomplish. Your pal, Paul”.

Brody even got his own Ant-Man helmet, which Rudd had signed. It said,

“To my good friend Brody for when he takes on the world! Paul, Ant Man.”

“We put it in one of those little helmet cases,” Cassandra said. “Now he’s storing it in his room, displaying it. He’s so proud of it.”

