Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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As Cedar Point’s rollercoaster, Magnum XL-200, began its routine 200 foot dive, it abruptly stopped, leaving riders in utter shock and fear.

Riders were forced to evacuate the ride via a lengthy flight of stairs due to mechanical problems that stopped it in its tracks. Some complained that their legs ached for the next couple of days. According to rider Laina Cafego, the hardest part of evacuating the ride was, “trying to get out of [her] seat because [she] [was] at such an angle”(FoxNews). Tony Cafego, her husband, said they waited 25 minutes on the ride before assistance came.

Cedar Point’s spokesperson said that this malfunction was a “standard ride stoppage” that resulted in a “check engine light” situation. This ride couldn’t be restarted right away, forcing riders to evacuate.

Videos and photos have been posted of this incident on social media and display that the riders were unharmed.

When the MagnumXL-200 was launched in 1989, it was acclaimed for being the tallest rollercoaster in the world by the Guinness. Since then, Cedar Point has built 2 taller roller coasters, the most recent being the 420-foot-tall Top Thrill Dragster which has also been shut down due to similar issues.

Wild mouse, another Cedar Point ride, has stopped suddenly twice in May, but it was reported that no riders were harmed.

