Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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The NFL is expected to indefinitely suspend player Deshaun Watson in a hearing set to begin on Tuesday.

Deshaun Watson was accused of sexual misconduct in twenty-four civil lawsuits filed by women. This violates the NFL’s rules of personal conduct, so the league is going to argue for a suspension without pay for at least a year.

The hearing will happen under a new disciplinary system for personal conduct implemented in 2020. The new disciplinary officer, former U.S District Judge Sue L. Robinson, will decide in the case if Watson has violated the conduct policy.

Under the new system, if Robinson rules that Watson has violated the conduct policy, the league or the player’s union could appeal it to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell; if she rules that there was no violation of the rule, then the case would be closed, with no chance of appeal. This is also the first case under the new system. While there is uncertainty about when an initial ruling will be made, there is evidence that indicates the NFL intends for the case to be finished before training camp.

While Watson is not charged with a crime, he has settled twenty of the lawsuits filed, and denies any allegations of misconduct. The NFL asserts that the suits do not affect their own disciplinary system. The NFLPA is expected to argue for a lesser punishment or no punishment at all, citing issues such as the cases of Daniel Snydner, Robert Kraft, and Jerry Jones.

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