Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Make way for Technoblade! Is he here? Why isn’t he here? Well, before we dive into this devastating story, who is Technoblade? What happened to him? Let me tell you, don’t start getting mad at me when I say this, but he isn’t, well … keep reading to find out more.


Technoblade was a very popular Minecraft YouTuber, with millions and millions of subscribers and followers. He was known for his encouragement of other Minecraft artists, his leadership in the Minecraft community, and his amazing videos. He was also famous for his great merchandise store. So, here’s the thing: his life was cut short by stage-4 cancer.


Sadly, Technoblade has died of stage-4 cancer. His last words were, “Hello everyone, Technoblade here. If you’re watching this. I am dead.” His father read on his son’s last video everything Technoblade had written down for him to read to all his fans. His fans were devastated to find out that his career had come to an end, and that he would never post again. His last video was named “So Long Nerds,” and included some Minecraft play and his heartbroken father speaking about his dead son. Technoblade also revealed that his real name was Alex. No one knows his last name, though.


Alex has lost his battle with cancer, but his spirit lives on. Fans say he was an amazing person, always willing to give away smiles and delightful prizes to his fans. His death is all over the news, and some commenters state, “Alex, you have been the pillar of our community. We all loved your content. You are one the most kind and charitable and wholesome individuals our community has had the privilege to be with.” Also, “We are all deeply saddened by this tragedy. Even though Alex has passed away, Technoblade’s legacy will never die. We all looked up to you as one of the most wonderful people on this planet,” another fan stated.

We all feel deeply affected by this death, but we hope that he is lingering above happily, so rest in peace, Alex. (Age 23;


