An English Premier League Academy scout, a Sydney girl named Michaela Togias, is going on a world catching tournament. The UK is where the tournament will be. For the tournament Togias will be showing her soccer skills in front of thousands of fans.

There are lots of other people there too. At the tournament, Togias will also play against some of the best clubs. This tournament will show that all of her hard work really paid off!

“There were 60 girls at the showcase and I was a little nervous because I was the youngest and smallest there, but I just gave it my all and had fun,” said Togias. “At the end of the showcase the scouts asked to speak to my mum and told her that I have what it takes to play in the UK.”

Togias said that she really wanted to get green and gold to represent her home place. “To think that in a few months’ time I’ll be playing in the UK is like a dream come true, I hope to one day make my country proud, just like Sam Kerr and Ellie Carpenter.” Togias said.

Later she said that with encouragement from her friends and family, she thought she could do pretty good.

