Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Micronations are “mini” nations that are not recognized as actual nations by other sovereign nations. Some micronations include The Antarctic Micronational Union based in Antarctica, the Aerican Empire, and Lamb Island.

Lamb Island is one of the newest microstates, owned by the world’s most famous spoon bender Uri Geller. He elevated the island’s status from a private Scottish island to a country.

The Republic of Lamb even has a flag, constitution, and anthem! You can even apply for citizenship to Lamb, with all the money going to Save a Child’s Heart, which is an Israeli charity that helps children with heart conditions.

“I’ve always wanted to own an island, be like James Bond,” Geller said. He had first learned about the island when he read it was available for sale in The Times newspaper.

But here is the mystery. Lamb Island has strange similarities to the pyramids of Giza! The location of Lamb and its two neighboring islands, named Fidra and Craigleith, line up with that of the pyramids. The island could possibly contain treasure, but it may also contain the bones of the victims of the North Berwick witchcraft trials from the 1590s.

Article Link: The mysteries that gave birth to the world’s newest micronation (bbc.com)

