Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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A news story has been going viral lately about a man in a wig throwing a piece of cake at the famous painting Mona Lisa. His actions aimed to bring awareness to global warming, but was it productive to throw a cake at the picture? I think not; you can’t fix an extreme with another extreme in such ways.

The story begins with a man wearing a wig; according to NPR news, he was disguised as an older woman in a wheelchair. He was recorded while being dragged out by the police. In the recording, you can see the roses on the ground that he threw and the remains of the cake on the painting’s bulletproof glass. The bulletproof was initially put up after an acid attack during the 1950s.

The man’s main objective was to point out an ugly truth: people care more about preserving the Mona Lisa than protecting the planet. He says he threw the cake to tell the world to wake up.

Many people might say he is correct in doing this, but I must disagree, for he is trying to fix an extreme with an extreme, which doesn’t solve the problem. Even though he had a good intention, I think it was not good for him to destroy a famous, well-appreciated painting just to broadcast a message. Posting a message can be just as effective in other ways.

