“This month, an AI-generated image of Katy Perry attending the 2024 Met Gala went viral on X. The post raked in over 16 million views, with many commenters getting shocked when they heard when the picture was made by AI.”
“The post was quickly debunked, with confirmation that Perry had not attended this year’s Gala, and people quickly noticed that the carpet was made from the 2018 Met Gala.”
Here are three ways people spot AI images.
“The quality of AI is getting “better and better,” the best ones now are almost identical from real photos, but they also have a few giveaways.”
AI-produced photos are always produced using data from other photos, so AI programs often struggle with details you may see less frequently in other pictures.
“Another sure-fire way of identifying AI images is looking at if the photo is too perfect. AI images often lack details that can be found in real pictures, leading to these photos having an ‘airbrushed’ look.”
If you’ve looked at the hands and the face and you’re still none the wiser, another good option is to do a reverse image search.
“This will identify if the photo exists or not, which will be very helpful when you try to determine if a picture is AI or real. Generally, AI photos will appear in fewer places than real ones, so will show up less frequently when you run a reverse image search.”
Overall, these are some ways to determine if a picture is artificial or not.
“The post was quickly debunked, with confirmation that Perry had not attended this year’s Gala, and people quickly noticed that the carpet was made from the 2018 Met Gala.”
Here are three ways people spot AI images.
“The quality of AI is getting “better and better,” the best ones now are almost identical from real photos, but they also have a few giveaways.”
AI-produced photos are always produced using data from other photos, so AI programs often struggle with details you may see less frequently in other pictures.
“Another sure-fire way of identifying AI images is looking at if the photo is too perfect. AI images often lack details that can be found in real pictures, leading to these photos having an ‘airbrushed’ look.”
If you’ve looked at the hands and the face and you’re still none the wiser, another good option is to do a reverse image search.
“This will identify if the photo exists or not, which will be very helpful when you try to determine if a picture is AI or real. Generally, AI photos will appear in fewer places than real ones, so will show up less frequently when you run a reverse image search.”
Overall, these are some ways to determine if a picture is artificial or not.