In recent weeks “Barbenheimer,” the meme combining the two movies released last week, Barbie and Oppenheimer, has gone viral. In Barbie the director Greta Gerwig starts her story with Barbie Land, a pink-tastic paradise that’s home to countless walking, talking, life-sized Barbie dolls. They’re a diverse group in terms of race and profession: Issa Rae plays President Barbie, Hari Nef plays Doctor Barbie and Margot Robbie is perfectly cast as our heroine, Stereotypical Barbie. Playing “Ken,” Barbie’s boyfriend, is Ryan Gosling.

In the movie, dark thoughts go into Barbie’s head making her not feel like herself. When she arrives in LA she becomes friends with a Mattel employee. Barbie observes women have a hard time having the respect they deserve in LA. Just like Lady Bird in 2017, Barbie is proof of the remarkable energy Gerwig puts into her movies.

Both movies have great levels of conceptual ambition that not all Hollywood movies have. Christopher Nolan is the director of Oppenheimer and Cillian Murphy stars as the title character. The movie depicts J. Robert Oppenheimer’s work with the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb after World War II, as well as his fraught political relationship with Louis Straws. Nolan still makes the movie interesting even though the movie is 3 hours long.

