Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Frida Kahlo’s life has been a great inspiration to many, and her life has been shared in textbooks, movies, shirts, and more. Now Broadway is planning to put her entire life story in a musical.

“Frida, the musical” is expected to come out in 2024 and will follow the journey and path that Kahlo had taken and places she traveled, including Mexico, Paris, New York, then the Blue House from birth to death, so this movie will be called “Frida, The Musical.”

This Broadway musical will not only show what happened in her life but also specific details that not many people know about, as well as personal stories. This movie will use references from the book “Intimate Frida.” Her life was full of action as a Mexican artist struggling with physical and emotional difficulties.

“In all the stories I heard when I was a little child, our family remembered Aunt Frida as a very joyful woman,” said Mara Romeo Kahlo, “She was passionate about music, arts, and Mexican culture. “Frida, The Musical” honors everything she was: a real woman who fought for her dreams, loved like anybody else, and always lived ahead of her time.”

Her work shows her suffering in life, although many like Romeo Kahlo described her as a joyful woman. Lozano, Berger, and other people working on the movie also want to show her suffering life, not to poke at her, but to show her life from a different standpoint.

“Everyone knows a colder Frida, a suffering Frida, but she loved life,” Berger said. “She was fun. That’s what we want to portray. I used to have a sad view of Frida, like, ‘Oh, the poor woman.’ Now, knowing how she was so smart and so clever, I look up to her.”

Her personal life was full of drama. Some difficult moments include surviving polio and being hit by a bus, which shattered her spine, seriously injured her pelvis, and left long-lasting damage. Story writers like Berger have learned much about Kahlo’s life and hope it will make the musical more interesting.

Sources: https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2022/07/24/frida-kahlo-musical/

