Emma Watson is a well-known 33-year-old actress who has acted in the Harry Potter movie series as well as the Little Women movie. Watson has been often seen wearing quirky outfits in the past few years and has recently posted a picture of a dress that blew people’s minds: the “floating dress.”

In the picture she posted last Monday, Watson is wearing a blue dress that appears to be magically floating mid-air while she stands beside her brother, Alex Watson. The dress has three jagged points along the neckline.

Watson posted the picture on Instagram to promote a French-inspired gin brand, Renais, which she recently launched with her brother.

Many others expressed their bewilderment at Watson’s dress. According to the article, “‘What in the wingardium leviosa’: Emma Watson’s floating dress is breaking our brains,” One person in the comments section wrote, “This dress is defying physics.” Another commented, “I went right to comments to see if I was hallucinating.”

Some have proposed the idea that there is some kind of wiring holding the dress in place, while others have suggested that there is some kind of fabric hanging from her ears.

Kesley Stewart, the report for a fashion blog writer, there is indeed structured wiring underneath the draping fabric of the floating dress.

Sources: https://eb18600f7bb2916037f5ee8e636ce199.cdn.bubble.io/f1687709993205x505645039864943500/Emma%20Watson%27s%20floating%20dress%20has%20confounded%20the%20internet%20-%20Los%20Angeles%20Times.pdf


