Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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A young T-Rex is found in North Dakoda on July 31, 2022 by three
kids hoping to find some fossils.

On July 31,2022, Jessin Fisher (age 10), his brother Liam (age 7), and his cousin Kaiden Madsen (9) were fossil hunting in the Hell creek formation. This area, the North Dakoda badlands, are full of dinosaur bones. They expected a few to come in their hands. What they did not know was they were about to stumble across a handful of rare young Tyrannosaurus Rex skeletons!

It all began when a white-gray bone was slightly out of the ground. First spotted by Liam and his dad (Sam Fisher), he shouted for Jessin and Kaiden to the future dinosaur site, Liam told the Washington post all about this and his dad said “What is this?” Jessin replied “It’s a dinosaur.”

Sam sent a picture the remnants of the fossil to Dr. Tyler Lyson, a paleontologist of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The fossil expert confirmed Jessin’s little hunch. Then after receiving some necessary points, he sent the excavation crew (including the three kids). The paleontologist had expected a duck-billed dinosaur, which are more common fossils found, but after some digging, to his astonishment, the first tooth (and part of the dinosaur) was more of a T-Rex! He later found some more of the teeth, this time on the lower jaw.

The rest of the bones were found encased in a 6000-pound sandstone case. It took at least 11 days for it to be fully excavated. The bones include a lower leg, hips, pelvis, tail vertebrae, and most of the skull. Back at the museum, the trio named the teen dino “the brothers”.

Now, you can also see this amazing discovery! It then went on display in the Denver museum on June 21, 2024.

