Burbank, California— The Walt Disney Studios have released an exciting new movie, a sequel to Inside Out, which captures the battle between Joy and Anxiety, two emotions crowding Riley’s mind during puberty.

The movie starts when Riley, a 13-year-old girl, is about to enter high school in San Francisco. Her feelings, such as Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness, create a new “department” in Riley’s mind, which now houses Riley’s personified memories. This is designed as such so that only good memories can be allowed in, while bad memories are launched to the back of her head.

While this is going on in Riley’s head, Riley herself has just been invited to a weekend ice hockey camp, where she has a chance to make her school’s ice hockey team. Unfortunately, a new emotion called “Anxiety” arrives in Riley’s mind and opposes Joy and the other feelings. This causes Riley to go through all sorts of challenges at camp, such as resorting to deceitful tactics that harm her teammates, sneaking into her coach’s office to look at his notebook, hogging the puck during a game, and missing most of her shots. She also gets into an argument with her friends, which makes her friendship with them hard to maintain.

Finally, Joy convinces Anxiety to stop, and eventually, Riley returns to her normal life. Under the direction of Kelsey Mann, starring Amy Poehler as Joy, and Maya Hawke as Anxiety, this film will surely be the most entertaining one that the audience has seen in a while.

