Moana, released back in 2016, was a popular animated Disney movie among kids. The movie was about an adventurous young teenager who sailed out to the open sea to save her people! On her adventure, she meets a demigod named Maui. Together, they fight monsters and finally fulfill Moana’s quest!

Disney Studios has been working on a sequel, but with a twist: it’s live-action! The original movie was animated, with the actors only voicing the characters, but this time, the actors and actresses will become one of the characters! Speaking of actors and actresses, many people have been talking about the actress Catherine Laga’aia playing Moana.

Catherine Laga’aia is a 17-year-old from Sydney, Australia, who shares a similar ethnicity as Moana! According to the BBC, “She said she was “really excited” to be playing Moana, particularly because she shares Moana’s Polynesian heritage.” She says that her grandfather comes from Fa’aala, Palauli in Savai’i. On the other hand, her grandmother comes from Leulumoega Tuai on the main island of ‘Upolu in Samoa.

Maui’s actor for Moana 2 will be Dwayne Johnson, also known as The Rock. Dwayne Johnson voiced Maui in the first Moana, which was released back in 2016. He received a lot of praise and popularity from the first movie, and he will continue to his role as Maui.
Disney hopes that the movie will “bring the story of ‘a young woman eager to pave her own path’ in a ‘whole new way.’” Catherine, on the other hand, hopes to represent young girls who look like her and spread Samoan and Pacific Islander culture!

