During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, Olympic dancers in France called off a threat to strike“after event organizers met some of their demands, labor unions said on Wednesday.”
Tons of dancers, musicians, and performers were expected to line the bridges and banks of the Seine River for the Olympic ceremony in Paris, the only ceremony held outside rather than in a sports stadium.
Although some dancers are okay, some are angered by unequal payments and being unfairly treated.
About 200 dancers interrupted their rehearsal with their fists raised in the air for eight minutes. “Labor unions were complaining that about 250 to 300 dancers employed on temporary contracts were being unfairly treated compared with the majority of the production’s dancers, who are full-time employees of dance or ballet companies. But the S.F.A.-C.G.T. union, which represents artists and performers, said after a meeting with the Games organizers on Wednesday that it had reached a deal on one of the dancers’ main demands: increased broadcast royalties for the temporary contract dancers, who previously were going to receive far less than others.”
Hopefully, all the dancers are happy now.
Tons of dancers, musicians, and performers were expected to line the bridges and banks of the Seine River for the Olympic ceremony in Paris, the only ceremony held outside rather than in a sports stadium.
Although some dancers are okay, some are angered by unequal payments and being unfairly treated.
About 200 dancers interrupted their rehearsal with their fists raised in the air for eight minutes. “Labor unions were complaining that about 250 to 300 dancers employed on temporary contracts were being unfairly treated compared with the majority of the production’s dancers, who are full-time employees of dance or ballet companies. But the S.F.A.-C.G.T. union, which represents artists and performers, said after a meeting with the Games organizers on Wednesday that it had reached a deal on one of the dancers’ main demands: increased broadcast royalties for the temporary contract dancers, who previously were going to receive far less than others.”
Hopefully, all the dancers are happy now.