This article was written by an outstanding participant in Double Helix’s Young STEM Journalism Bootcamp! This year, Letterly partnered with Double Helix to launch the inaugural 4-week program, inviting students aged 8 to 18 to write science news articles on the topics that matter to them! This artic...

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not the right way that students should receive their crucial education. Here are the facts to prove it.

On a global scale, artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing and appearing more in everyday activities, particularly in schools. Artificial intelligence is and will continue withdrawing the essential life skills that students need in their fast-approaching futures. Rather than assisting students to grow their knowledge and come to their own conclusions, AI “simply spits out answers.”

Over time, IQ levels have dropped through generations and continue to do so. According to a recent study completed in 2018, the decrease in IQ levels is not genetic. Each generation is developing a lower IQ than the previous one. This may be related to geographical location and general living conditions; however, this study and others, prove that the decrease significantly plummeted following the introduction of AI in schools.

The decrease in IQ levels demonstrates that students are not receiving an authentic education, which is required in order to grow essential life skills. By using AI, students are not learning how to come to their own conclusions. “As technology does more and more tasks for us, we become less intelligent”, says Alex Gray, a senior writer from the World Economic Forum. This explains that students will struggle in their adulthood if they never learn to come to their own conclusions.

AI could assist students and educators by creating personalised learning plans. According to an article written by Nikki Galovic from CSIRO, AI can create personalised lessons and tasks for specific student needs. This may sound like a positive approach for students. However, AI lacks in accuracy. The technology is based on algorithms and in an overwhelming number of situations has skipped out on the bigger picture as well as an absents of reasoning behind its decisions. This inaccuracy can lead to more issues in students’ education, preventing them from expanding their general knowledge that is critical for adulthood.

Action must be taken on this issue as soon as possible, so our children – the worlds future- don’t become lazy with negative work ethics. To stop the damage that AI has on students, we must take a step back and stop relying on artificial intelligence to educate growing generations. Students need to know how to come to their own conclusions and make well calculated decisions to get there.
