Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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The next NHL Winter Classic game should be at the National Mall. In journalist Mark Lazerus’ opinion, it’s time for a creative outdoor game, instead of the usual indoor stadium games. I, personally, think the National Mall would be a great option.
Since its expansion to the United States in 1925, the National Hockey League has grown to include 32 teams. While many unforgettable games have been played in iconic stadiums, “there just aren’t many iconic buildings left in which the league can plop down a rink,” as journalist Mark Lazerus explains, and audiences are getting bored of the same teams playing each other in the same locations. The NHL has played 41 outdoor games since it began, and an outdoor game in Washington D.C. might just be what crowds will enjoy most.
An NHL game at the National Mall would be fun and unique. During a time where football and basketball dominate much of the media — the NFL is on TV nearly every day now — an outdoor hockey game in DC would draw attention to the NHL. A game next to the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building would be incredible, especially because nothing like it has ever been done before. It would be a spectacular showcase of how hockey has become part of American culture. Imagine the excitement!
Furthermore, Washington D.C. would be a more convenient and feasible location, compared to some other outdoor game ideas. East coast weather in the winter is more likely to sustain an ice rink, so hopefully the NHL won’t have to deal with a melting arena, which caused issues in the outdoor games in Lake Tahoe. Also, a game at the National Mall would be easier to organize, compared to Canadian locations where “regulations about [advertising] and construction on public lands are understandably quite strict,” as journalist Mark Lazerus states.
Some might be concerned that there is no space to build a hockey rink in the National Mall, but it would probably fit. Journalist Mark Lazerus shares that “[t]he best fit likely would be between the Washington Monument and the Capitol,” but the space between the Washington Monument and the World War II Memorial would likely work as well.
Supporters of regular stadium games claim that outdoor games don’t acquire as much profit for the league compared to indoor games. This is because many outdoor locations are not suitable for large crowds of spectators. However, a game at the National Mall would have room for temporary fan seating, so the NHL can sell tickets. In addition, a hockey game at the National Mall would be a special experience for spectators, so it would be very popular. Ticket sales would bring revenue to the league, making profit even though the game is outdoors.
“For NHL Winter Classic, It’s Time to Think Outside the Box— and the Stadium: 10 Proposed Venues” by Mark Lazerus (December 26, 2024)
“A (Brief) History of the Legacy” NHL Website
