Teamwork Makes Dreamwork Even With Animals!

In an attempt to map the seafloor in Australia, scientists used an interesting method of research, which involved attaching cameras to sea lions. Since the cameras show whatever the sea lions are doing, we will be able to learn even more out of these animal assistants.

First, scientists attached material to the sea lion’s back. Then, they mounted a camera on the material to get a video of what the sea lions do, track their speed, and pinpoint their location. The material will fall off in molting or the natural shedding of skin. Sea lions are also endangered, so this research won’t just map the ocean floor but will also preserve the biodiversity of the Australian waters. According to a New York Times article by Kate Golembiewski, “Their footage shows meadows of leafy seaweeds and craggy rocks covered in corals, and even includes the first recording of a mother Australian sea lion teaching her pup how to hunt.” This information will greatly help researchers find out about not only sea lions but other animals as well.

With these helpful animals, humans can greatly benefit the ecosystem by understanding more than we could have with robots programmed to scan the seafloor. That additional information was why scientists chose animals over robots. Another reason is that robots sometimes miss crevices, but animals don’t. They often turn and thrash, giving people multiple perspectives of one region. More angles of view will allow even better research later on and will help many animals stay alive. Also, Robots may not be able to fit in some places, whereas some animals are designed to fit inside small spaces and can easily navigate through fissures and sometimes even holes.

Scientists attached cameras to sea lions to map the seafloor, and in return, they got even more information, such as animal characteristics and valuable resources to help the animals. So, appreciate all the creatures in the world because they all have a use.

