Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Amara screamed. She curled into a ball on the bathroom floor, tears soaking the rough tiles. She could hear footsteps rushing towards her. Next thing she knew, she was wrapped in a warm blanket and sitting in the dining room with her parents.

Amara felt all of her typical positivity die out, sobbing and pouring out everything to her parents. Her best friend Gina had invited her to a party in the local bar. Next thing she knew she was next to some unknown guy in bed. She understandably panicked, screaming before Gina and a pretty lady had come in. They explained that Amara had gotten drunk, and while Gina and Riley, that was the pretty lady’s name, tried to stop her, she somehow got away and then had a fling with Max, Riley’s twin. Then they vividly described playing cards, and, the next thing they knew, a banshee was wailing at the top of her lungs.

Amara’s cheeks heated up and shooed everyone outside the room while she changed back into her clothes. While doing her daily wash up routine, she started to feel like she was going to vomit and drunkenly made her way to the toilet, before groaning from the pounding headache banging inside her head. Once she got home she kept throwing up. She kept feeling sick even after taking her hangover medicine, with extreme food cravings for things she would never think of: cheesecake , sweets, pastries, and cakes. That would just slow down her body which she felt she didn’t really want. She was in a prestigious basketball school in Ohio, one of the top players, and youngest.

Her parents had handed her a pregnancy test, wishing her luck before her dad closed the door behind her. Once she had done everything in the instructions she just waited and started shaking the test. They came out just a little bit later.

Now she just kept crying. Why did it have to be her? It just couldn’t have been someone else, huh? She was a senior and as soon as the coaches figured out she was pregnant, there was no way she could ever get a higher education. She never was great at school. Besides, she could never be able to help take care of her parents if she gave birth.

But where could she go? Her parents were on the verge of selling their home but after her scholarship and extra money were sent to her, her parents seemed a bit more stable. There was no way they could get enough money to do an abortion in another state unless she did it with those pills or something. There truly was nothing she could do but be forced to give birth now. Amara just cried her tears out.

