Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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On Wednesday night, a mysterious pink glow lit up the sky over the Australian town of Mildura, leaving locals perplexed as to whether they were seeing an alien invasion, a misplaced display of the northern lights, or a solar flare.

Anne Webster, a member of parliament for the region in Australia, claimed she spotted the strange, rather big pink glow while driving home in the dark. “I thought that was very strange. My first thought was there has to be a logical reason for this,” she said.

The truth is, the illumination came from a medical marijuana facility outside of Mildura. While testing out LED lights, the facility unintentionally revealed its location, which led to the unsettling, supernatural scene that both frightened and thrilled the town’s 56,000 residents.

The company normally conceals the red-spectrum LED lights used to promote plant growth with blackout curtains. However, on Wednesday, the curtains were left open for a moment, sending a Bat-Signal that could be seen for miles around the facility in the state of Victoria in the southeast.

Australia authorized medical marijuana manufacturing, research, and cultivation in 2016. Approximately 70,000 Australians currently seek relief from medicinal marijuana, which is expected to generate $160 million in sales by 2021, according to Fresh Leaf Analytics, a business that conducts market analysis on the cannabis industry. A 2022 study published in the journal Frontiers of Pharmacology found that Austrailians mainly use medical marijuana to alleviate health issues.

The study linked the increase in prescriptions over the last two years in part to the “mental health burden” of Australia’s coronavirus containment regulations. The nation first implemented one of the toughest lockdowns in history before immunizing 95% of its adult population.

Cann Group was the first company licensed by Australia to conduct cannabis research. The Victoria state government granted Cann Group $1.4 million, some of which was utilized to build a medicinal cannabis dispensary in a location secret up to this week’s illumination incident. Earlier this month, the Mildura facility, which was constructed on the site of a former juice factory, harvested its first batch.

