Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Many people have different ways of staying cool at work during hot summer days, so today, I will give you some clever ways to stay cool.

People in Europe are boiling in the hot temperatures, so many stay in the shade. For example, a couple in London was seen working under a tree. But for others, their jobs might be directly under the hot sun. A man named Spike Abbott, who gives guided tours in a Tudor Bonnet, dresses as a Yeoman Warder. The hat makes his head very hot, so he decided to put ice blocks under his hat on his head.

He said, “Between tours, I take the ice block out, and then if you’ve got it in your hand and put it around your face and that it certainly helps if you’re holding something that’s cold.” He also added, “We have picked this up from many previous Yeoman Warders that have done this. It worked today anyway.”

Another smart person, Simon Barnes, has worked with bees for 23 years. He knows the only way to avoid bee stings is to cover himself. Sometimes though, the thick suit he must wear gets very hot. So, he bought a ventilation suit. “The suits are an invention. They started appearing on the market last year in places like India, so I prepared myself and bought one at the start of this season,” he said. He added, “It’s made up of three layers. The outer has the vents, then there’s a thin membrane of material in the middle, with a third layer that wicks the moisture out, then the bees can’t get their stings through.”

I’ll take on the heat as long as I can take care of the bees,” he said afterward

Finally, at Chessington World of Adventures, actors are dressed in full body costumes. They dance around and they fight on stage a lot. The 15-25 minutes they perform get hot. So, Luke Ansley had an idea to put a paddling pool for the actors in the back. After their shows, they cool off. “It is an instant relief,” said Luke.

