Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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Ants are typically unseen and unheard of in New York apartments, but a recent surge of a certain type of ants has suddenly emerged in places where they have never been found before.

Recently, a certain ant species, Lasius emarginatus, has been emerging from the homes of New Yorkers. These people claim that their previously spotless houses are now filled to the brim with ants in search of nonexistent crumbs of food. Some people have posted images of liquid ant traps placed around their houses bursting with ant corpses, expressing in posts that they live so far above ground and have never seen ants in their house.

Most of the time ants stay on the ground and in the parks or yards, preferring to stay away from the concrete apartments towering many yards above the fertile and green soil, so this new ant population is quite new to New York and has many panicking about what they should do.

Some experts are now offering their advice on how to deal with these ants, with one saying to not use extremely potent types of ant poison and that liquid ant traps are better. Another expert says that these ants are also extremely adept in climbing up and down tall structures.

Some researchers and scientists are also confused as to why they go into apartments, as these ants prefer to eat honeydew, something made by aphids and tree pests, and don’t seem to enjoy eating human food. And while these little pests might seem slightly invincible, many people advise to use a liquid ant bait to catch the ants, forcing them to stay still and away from other objects.

