Instructions:  Conduct research about a recent current event using credible sources. Then, compile what you’ve learned to write your own hard or soft news article. Minimum: 250 words. Feel free to do outside research to support your claims.  Remember to: be objective, include a lead that answers the...

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On June 30th, 2022, Alexander/Alex, more commonly known on the internet as Technoblade, died after being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

He wrote a message to his fans around eight hours before he died. In it, he said, “If I had another hundred lives, I think I would choose to be Technoblade again every single time, as those were the happiest years of my life” He also said, “I hope you guys enjoyed my content and that I made some of you laugh, and I hope you all go on to live long, prosperous and happy lives because I love you guys,” He thanked fans who bought his merch and his channel memberships.

Over a decade, Technoblade has amassed nearly 14 million Subscribers and around 4 million Twitter followers. His last video was titled “so long nerds”, and it became the
video on the trending page. In the video, they showed pictures of him with friends and one of him sick in bed. “From Technoblade’s earliest online days, he was always strategizing ways to delight and reward his audience – giving away online prizes, encouraging good sportsmanship, and most of all sharing his Minecraft adventures for entertainment and laughs,” said his mom at the end of the video.

Many people shared their grief online. For example, Hypixel, a Minecraft server he played on, added a statue to the game in honor of him, and Minecraft added a crowned pig to the loading menu.

According to his website, his family will donate a percentage of earnings from online merch orders to the Sarcoma Foundation of America. Techno also said that due to the support that he had received that his siblings could go to college if they desired . At the end of his video, his mom also said, “Thank you for sharing his journey through it all, as he did the work he loved for his beloved fans.”

